In the Novels series, I get you started reading the first few paragraphs of classic Chinese fiction. If you like the beginning, you can buy the book and keep reading.
Super challenge time: this is the longest and most difficult read I’ve ever posted. Long, because I wanted to put up the entire first chapter. Difficult, because… well, I explain below. Wang Shuo has been called “China’s Kerouac”, I might lean more towards “China’s Bukowski”, and as such, this piece is not appropriate for children. There is some swearing and (very) mild sexual content – you have been warned.
Wang Shuo (王朔) is the bad boy of contemporary Chinese writers, a real controversial figure, and his work, which centers around the dark underbelly of Beijing in the 1970s and 80s, spawned its own genre of “hooligan” fiction. This isn’t the organized, moneyed mob fiction of Hong Kong, this is the small-scale thievery that reflects urban life on the mainland right after the Cultural Revolution, when the country just started opening up to international trade and society was a mess. Wang Shuo’s plots are so ugly, dark and brutal that he has been called a “spiritual pollutant” by the powers that be.
This is the complete first chapter of his book Hot and Cold, Measure for Measure, or 《一半是火焰,一半是海水》. The book contains several short novellas, but the namesake work is only around 90 pages long in total. I’m just about to finish reading it. The plot is horrendously depressing: the story of a thug who casually seduces a young high school girl with a bright future, breaks her down with his callousness until she becomes a prostitute and eventually kills herself, which sets off another chain of events. The extremely relatable realism with which Wang Shuo describes her destruction will have any woman who has ever been involved with a bad-news boyfriend cringing.
This chapter sets up the rest of the book in two main scenes: One, we meet the protagonist as he is in the middle of a scam he often runs. I’m going to explain the nature of the scam here because it’s confusing unless you spent time in China twenty years ago. Basically, the protagonist works with a gang that includes a friend of his (named 方方) and a few prostitutes (mainly one lady named 亚红). During this time in China, it was very common for prostitutes to work in and around hotels, they would push their cards under the door of hotel rooms, or cold-call the room to ask if services were required. Prostitution was illegal, but this still happened all the time. The protagonist and his friend wait until one of the prostitutes in the gang have landed a client. Then complicit hotel staff (named 卫宁) calls the gang, who burst into the room dressed like policemen and demand money as a “fine” from the hotel guest, and take the prostitute out as if they are arresting her. So this is where the book starts, with a phone call from a corrupt staff member at the hotel’s front desk to the gangsters, telling them which rooms the prostitutes are in with their clients.
In the second half of the chapter, the protagonist goes about the next day of his life doing some errands, and eventually meets and has a conversation with this girl whose life he will later ruin. She is spunky but naive, daring and precocious in the way that young people can be when they think they can handle themselves, but haven’t yet encountered real danger or darkness in their lives.
Some language stuff
Linguistically speaking, this is one of the hardest Chinese books I’ve ever read, because it’s full of underworld colloquialisms, and like a lot of great fiction, some of the things that happen aren’t clearly spelled out, they’re only suggested and you have to read between the lines. This chapter isn’t too bad, but subsequent chapters are pretty heavy on that stuff. I’m going to explain some of the slang used here that isn’t in the dictionary.
First, though, a couple of proper nouns: 白茹 is a brand of car, the old Chinese name for a Peugeot. Peugeot’s official Chinese name is 标致, but the cars were being imported into China probably before the company released an official Chinese name for them, so since 白茹 kind of sounds like “Peugeot”, this is probably just the Chinese-ified brand name given by locals. Happened with quite a few brands back then. 燕都 is the name of a hotel.
野鸽 yě gē – 鸽 means “dove”, but here it is slang for “prostitute”. 野, as you probably know from the word 野生, means “wild” or “untamed”. 野鸽 refers to a prostitute that is not working for the gang. In the first paragraph, 野 is used by itself, this is what it’s referring to.
小子 xiǎo zi – This is a derogatory way to refer to someone. It translates to something like, “little shit”.
他妈 tā mā – Usually 他妈的, the swear word “fuck” or “fucking”, but not referring to the sexual act itself, just used for emphasis, as in “What the fuck are you doing here?”
没劲 méi jìn – This usually means “no energy”, but in this case, it means “uninteresting” or “dull”.
倒霉蛋 dǎo méi dàn – “Unfortunate guy”, in this case probably better translated as “sucker”, as it’s referring to people who were scammed by this gang.
三联单 sān lián dān – An invoice that has three copies (one of those old white / pink / yellow carbon-copied invoices). In this chapter, the protagonist gets one from a medical clinic, and it is not made clear here what is being done with it, except that it’s clearly being used in some kind of dishonest dealing.
四胜三和五负 sì shèng sān hé wǔ fù – This phrase is being used in relation to a game of Go. Literally: “To win four (games), tie three, and lose five”. Here just means “to win a few and lose a few”.
小毛头 xiǎo máo tou – “Little boy”, used as an insult here.
丫头 yā tou – “Girl”, usually with overtones of naivety, in this case used insultingly / dismissively.
凑人 còu rén – A casual phrase meaning “to get some people together” for a party or activity.
来劲 lái jìn – To be annoying, to pester or hassle someone.
“谢谢。” 年轻妇女坐下后,又逗弄着小孩说:”谢谢叔叔。”
我们都笑了。”不看了。” 女孩把书撂到一旁。“你有事吗”她问我。
“没有。” 我说:”没人约我。”
“瞧我。” 女孩示范性地磕了一个瓜子,洁白的贝齿一闪,我下意识地闭紧自己被烟熏得黑黄的牙齿。女孩倒没注意,晃悠着腿四处张望。“你是哪个学校的”我注意到她里面毛衣上别着一枚校徽。女孩龇齿咬着瓜子看着我笑起来。
“这就叫’套瓷’吧。” 女孩说:”下边你该说自己是哪个学校的,我们两校挨得如何近,没准天天能碰见……”
“你看我象学生吗?” 我说:”我是劳改释放犯,现在还靠敲诈勒索为生。”
“我才不管你是什么呢。” 女孩笑着瞅着自己的脚尖,似乎那儿有什么好玩可笑的,”你是什么我都无所谓。”
“你多大了?” 女孩转过头看我,仔仔细细打量了我一遍:”你,过去没怎么跟女孩接触过吧。”
“没有。” 我面不改声色心不跳地骗她。
“你笑起来,” 我说:”跟个傻丫头似的。”
“我要是他,就敢跟你睡觉。” 我微笑地说:”他敢吗?”
“又完了不是?” 我取笑她,”敢在光天化日之下看书,不会抽烟,时髦半截。”
“你别来劲。” 女孩不服地说,”给我一支!”
“干吗有点信,就应该信。知道我外号叫什么吗?老枪!” 我听到完完全全收拾书的声音,恶意地笑着说:“我叫你害怕了。”
“才没有呢。” 女孩站起来:“我只是该走了。”
“好,我俗。你走吧。哎,” 我叫住她:”咱们要是再见了,就得算朋友了吧?”
“算朋友。” 女孩笑着走了。
2 replies on “Novels: Start reading Chinese gangster novel 《一半是火焰,一半是海水》by Wang Shuo”
That was really interesting! I’m looking forward to being good enough in Chinese to actually read the book in Mandarin as it was originally written! It took me a while to get through just that short part – but still, I’m getting better (I hope!).
I just have one question: how old is the young woman in the story? It’s not clear… as in, is she over eighteen years old? That’s an important information given how the story goes…
And thank you for your efforts posting these texts here, it is very appreciated!
I Thing that related hotels and find out her