In the Novels series, I get you started reading the first few paragraphs of classic Chinese fiction. If you like the beginning, you can buy the book and keep reading.
Liu Cixin (刘慈欣) is China’s most famous contemporary science fiction writer, and is most well-known as the author of The Three Body Problem, which won significant critical acclaim worldwide, and spawned a series of movies.
But Liu Cixin has written several other novels and short stories, of which 《赡养人类》Support Human Beings is one. It’s good fiction, if you like spaceships, but more than that, it’s super short – only around 70 pages or so – so if you’d like to try your hand at finishing a whole novel, this is a pretty solid choice. You can pick up the book on Amazon (paperback or kindle). China actually has a great tradition of novella-length fiction in a way that the West seems to lack. Modern authors often put out works longer than a short story but shorter than a full-length novel, which lowers the barrier to entry nicely.
In this post, we’ll read the first part of Chapter One, which introduces one of the main characters: the assassin Smoothbore (滑膛). When we first him, he’s in the process of taking on a new hit.
Some language stuff
First, the proper nouns: We’ve got the assassin Smoothbore (滑膛), a wealthy tech magnate named Zhu Hanyang (朱汉杨), who owns Huaruan Group (华软集团), we’ve got some guy named Yage (齿哥), and we’ve got a mention of the Forbes Fortune 500 list (福布斯财富500排行). There’s also mention of a person only named 哥哥, Big Brother, who’s a central character in the rest of the book, but only comes up for a second in this passage.
玩意儿 wán yì er – Another pretty useful and commonly-used word. When the you add the 儿, 玩意 does not mean “toy”, it becomes the colloquial equivalent to 东西, “thing”. It’s often used derogatorily, like “Ew, what is that thing you’re wearing?”, or dismissively, as in, “Hand me that thing.” In this passage, Smoothbore uses this word to describe some ostentatious jewelry that a flashy rich guy wears, so the use of 玩意儿 adds a note of contempt to the sentence.
Paragraph five highlights the essential difficulty of reading sci-fi in a foreign language: it’s hard to know if you got it right when what is being described is a made-up thing, so you can’t gut-check your understanding against reality. You may have to check the translation here.
[SCI-FI PART]滑膛知道他们在看什么:哥哥飞船又移到南半球上空了,现在可以清晰地看到。上帝文明离开地球已经三年了,那次来自宇宙的大规模造访,使人类对外星文明的心理承受能力增强了许多,况且,上帝文明有铺天盖地的两万多艘飞船,而这次到来的哥哥飞船只有一艘。它的形状也没有上帝文明的飞船那么奇特,只是一个两头圆的柱体,像是宇宙中的一粒感冒胶囊。看到滑膛进来,那十三个人都离开窗子,回到了大厅中央的大圆桌旁。滑膛认出了他们中的大部分,立刻感觉这间华丽的大厅变得寒碜了。这些人中最引入注目的是朱汉杨,他的华软集团的“东方3000”操作系统正在全球范围内取代老朽的WINDOWS。其他的人,也都在福布斯财富500排行的前50内,这些人每年的收益,可能相当于一个中等国家的GDP,滑膛处于一个小型版的全球财富论坛中。
3 replies on “Novels: Start reading Chinese sci-fi novella 《赡养人类》by Liu Cixin”
Minor typo in the second to last paragraph. 滑堂 instead of 滑膛。Thanks for posting this, it drew me in already and I just bought the book!
I have the best audience of proofreaders ever. Great book, enjoy it!
Isn’t it Chi-ge instead of Ya-ge for 齿哥?
Thanks for the translation. I’m about HSK 6 level, and I finding this novel more difficult to understand than 活着. I didn’t need a translation for reading 活着, but I’m apparently missing all sorts of details when reading this first chapter.
Now I understand there are actual aliens involved rather than just some fundamentalist religious space group, I’ll be better positioned to tackle chapter 2 🙂