I threw up another essay of his about butterflies a couple weeks ago, and if you read both of them, you’ll start to get a sense of Lin’s style, his wide-eyed marveling, how he rejoices at every little thing.
Some language stuff
因… 而… yīn … ér … – You’ve probably already come across this sentence construction, but it bears pointing out: 因 in this case is 因为, “because of ______”, and 而 is “as a result ______”.
生起 shēng qǐ – You won’t find this in the dictionary, and it’s a little difficult because 生 has so many meanings. Depending on context, it can mean “to give birth to” as in (生孩子), or “to grow” (as in 生长), or “be afflicted with” a sickness (as in 生病), or it can just mean “life” (as in 生活). But in all of these definitions, there’s a general sense of nothing expanding into something. So, if you understand 生起 that way, as an expansion or growth, the sentence will make sense.
寄情 jì qíng – This isn’t in the pop-up dictionary, but this means “to express one’s feelings” about something, usually in writing.
6 replies on “Essay: 《感谢困难》Thanking Life’s Challenges by Lin Qingxuan”
Thank you for posting this! It does make me contemplate my experiences, and I might now have more appreciation for the hardships I’ve faced. Hopefully, I can maintain this mindset in the face of future difficulties.
I’m sure Lin would be thrilled to hear you say so.
Thanks a lot for the whole website! Haven’t been here for a while, so I’m really excited to see you’ve done a lot of work and keep posting new things.
I also have a question about a phrase 相信有无边的宇宙 in the sixth paragraph. The highlight shows 有无 and 边 as separate words, while it seems more suitable to group them as “有 无边”. Is there a mistake here, or am I missing something?
This really helped me in my chinese class. I appreciate how he was able to find direction in life and so was I
This was a fire read for my morning coffee. Really made me question the existence of cars and how national parks came to be. As a result I have been shopping at Trader Joes more often. I also only drink expired orange juice now. Thanks for the guidance
i love reading this