A confusing word (and an important and often-repeated one) in this text might be 安. We know this word most commonly means “peace”. But the author keeps saying 安电话. This does not, contrary to appearances, mean “peace phone”. In this case, 安 is the shorter version of 安装 ān zhuāng, meaning “to install”. So, 安电话 means “to install a phone”.
There are also a few proper names in here, which we’ll point out early: 燃燃 is the author’s name, when the author is addressed by a loved one (typically who is older than them). 李燃 is the author’s actual full name. You can see from this that family members and close friends will sometimes take a Chinese person’s given name (which as we know, comes last, and in this case is 燃), and double it as a form of endearment. So 李燃 becomes 燃燃 to close friends and family. This isn’t always the case but you’ll see it a lot. It is inappropriate to address a Chinese person this way unless you know them very well, and you should never address an elder this way. It’s considered very cutesy. Another proper name is 王钰涵 wáng yù hán, the author’s best friend mentioned in passing.
In several instances, the author also mentions the “滋味” of using a phone. 滋味 literally means “flavor” or “taste” (noun). In English, we’d probably substitute the word “feeling”.
And a final grammar note on the phrase: 像是没见过电话似的. Pay attention to the 像 – it’s attached to the 似的 at the end. Together, wrapped around a phrase, these characters mean “as if…” or “like…”. This phrase means “… as if I had never seen a phone before”.
Here’s the original text of 第一次打电话
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24 replies on “Essay: My First Telephone Call”
Great story… I am learning chinese and this kind of story is very useful for me. Please make some mroe 🙂
Very useful texts. Finding graded texts for Chinese learners – other than textbook samples – is still incredibly difficult. I’m very glad to have found this site!
These elementary texts are superb for stretching that little bit extra to gain skill and confidence. 谢谢
A great site for improving character knowledge and grammar in everyday language. Also a nice touch having the translation hidden to stop easy ‘cheating’. Thanks for a great site.
The last character, in the mouse-over text, says ‘hou’ instead of ‘ho’ with the fourth sound mark.
Good story.
It’s a typo. It should be 时候, not 时侯.
Question – naive one I expect….
I would transliterate 我的新家安电话的时侯还是几年前 as “My new home installed phone’s time still several years qian” How do you know whether this means “several years ago” or “several years ahead/in the future”?
“Qian”, in relation to time, always means “previously / before”. “Hou” is in the future.
I am confused between 后 and 侯 and 候. Which is the correct one to use when you mean “after” or “behind”?
后 means “after” or “behind”. It’s the opposite of before, “前”.
sexy lady
Many thanks – that’s easy to follow. And thank you again for doing all this
我的新家安电话的时侯还是几年前 english translation of this one doesnt make sense are you sure it is written/translated correctly
Such great texts. Thanks!
it is horrible
Oppa ganam style
I hate it
I’d be delighted if a clever person could explain the grammar of this passage:
I would interpret it as “I may need to emit a bit of shamefulness”, but it sounds strange (and very different from “My shame will be apparent”). I wonder if I have misunderstood the grammar. Or is it some sort of set phrase? 🙂
Btw I love your website! Thanks for all the great work with translations and all 🙂 It’s a fantastic learning resource.
Yes,出丑 is a set phrase/verb meaning “to make a fool of oneself” or “to bring shame on oneself.” I think the 出 here is less “emit” than “allow to be seen.”
so “出点丑“ is “make a bit of a fool of oneself” (basically it’s 出一点丑 but the 一 is omitted)
and “我要出点丑了” is “I am going to make a bit of a fool of myself”
Then add 可 for emphasis (rather than indicating possibility), as in “definitely going to make bit of a fool of myself.”
Perfect for my level and mirrors much of the vocabulary I am using, so helpfully reinforcing my studies.
Very good essay for any standard. The following essay sure will be better.