
Fable: Wolf Goes Fishing

As vaguely sordid fables go, this one’s fairly tame, resulting only in some humiliatory retribution and a lost tail or two.




狼问, “这些鱼是从哪弄来的?”

狐狸说, “有一个地方可以钓到好多鱼,我可以给你带路。”


狐狸说, “只要在冰上一个洞,把尾巴放进河里,等鱼咬住尾巴的时候,就把尾巴提上来,这样就可以钓到好多好多的鱼!”



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Long ago, there was a wolf who was always bullying others. One day, the small animals gathered together to discuss a way to solve the problem. The smart fox thought of a solution.

One day Wolf went out to forage for food, when suddenly he smelled the scent of roasting fish. When Little Wolf ran into a mountain cave and looked, he saw that it was Little Fox that was cooking the fish. Fox saw that Wolf had come, and in his heart he was secretly happy.

Wolf asked “Where did these fish come from?”

Fox said, “There is a place where you can catch many fish, I can take you there.”

So Wolf followed Fox as he walked and walked, until they came to a riverbank. There turned out to be a layer of ice over the water.

Fox said, “All you have to do is bore a hole in the ice, stick your tail into the river, wait until the fish bite your tail, then pull your tail out. This way, you’ll catch many, many fish.

Wolf, thinking of how the fish would be more than a full meal, waited quite a while, but no fish bit his tail. Wolf was finally too cold to continue and tried to pull up his tail, but when he turned his head to look, he saw that his tail was stuck in the ice. He gave a great pull, and what do you know but his tail came off with a “pa” sound. Wolf fled.

When the other little animals saw wolf’s miserable face, they all laughed.

5 replies on “Fable: Wolf Goes Fishing”

@Huey, the actual verb is 结冰 (jie2 bing1), meaning to become frozen. The 了一层 part is just to indicate that a layer of ice had recently formed over the river.

I don’t understand this sentence: 一天小狼出外觅食的狼. Why is 狼 twice in this sentence?

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